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When: Sunday, April 2


Time: 8am-8pm

Sign up in one hour increments starting from 8-9am with the last shift from 7-8pm. You are welcome to sign up for as long as you want.


Where: Willow St. and W 32nd Ave. 

Our parish will again participate in the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil campaign this year which started on Ash Wednesday and will end on Sunday, April 2 (Palm Sunday).  Corpus Christi has committed to covering the last day of the campaign Sunday, April 2.


Come and pray for an end to abortion and euthanasia- 40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful witness to the value and dignity of human life.  Corpus Christi parish is committed to supporting 40 Days for Life, please come and join us.  Everyone is encouraged to come and bring the whole family!!!


Sign up available in the parish vestibule.  Remember to print your name and email address clearly as you will be contacted with further information via email. 

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