Emergency Management Plan
The Emergency Management Plan (EMP) guides the practice of staff and volunteers in ensuring the safety of people attending Mass and events at Corpus Christi Parish. This may involve the Evacuation of Parish Property and/or the need to attend to Medical Emergencies. Best efforts will be made to ensure the safety of staff, volunteers, parishioners and visitors.
The EMP Manual was developed in August 2019 in response to the critical need for anticipatory planning. EMP team members include the Pastor, Directors of Evacuation and Medical Emergencies, and Parish Office Administrator with the assistance of Evacuation Leaders, Medical Responders, Ushers, Altar Servers and Coordinators of parish events.
*Inviting all potential Medical Responders*​
Please consider helping out at the Mass that you attend or at parish/school events. Volunteers would be active or retired health care providers or dedicated workplace First Aid Attendants. School parents will receive participation hours if volunteering at parish or school events but not the Mass. If interested, contact David or Connie.
Arthur Pangilinan
Coordinator of Evacuation
Serafina Chau
Coordinator of Medical Emergencies