Gifts for Tomorrow
A planned gift to be realized in the future, such as the options below, may be the best approach for you and may allow you to make a larger gift than you might have thought possible.
A Gift in Your Will | This is the most common type of planned gift - a gift in your will. Arranged today, a bequest is paid to Corpus Christi Parish through your estate, after your death. You can give a specific sum, property, or a percentage of your estate. It is important that the full name of the parish and charitable number be included in your will so that there is no confusion about your intentions. (Corpus Christi Parish, Vancouver # 11884 9470 RR0028)
Life Insurance | A gift of life insurance is a simple and thoughtful way to make a gift to Corpus Christi. Insurance allows you to make a modest gift now for a significant gift in the future.
RRSP and RRIF Funds | Naming Corpus Christi Parish a beneficiary of your RRSPs and RRIFs means all or a portion of these assets can now be left directly to Corpus Christi upon your death without having to pass through your estate. This arrangement means that no probate fees are payable on these assets. In most cases, the taxes owing on your donated RRSPs or RRIFs at death are offset by the charitable tax credits generated by your donation. Donations of this type are a great way to reduce the substantial deferred tax burden that many RRSP and RRIF plans carry.